Assuming you are running Linux, you probably have a favorite or most-familiar Linux distribution; I suspect your first one. In my case, this would be the Debian distro and it's derivatives, such as Ubuntu or the Ubuntu derivatives such as Linux Mint or Pop!_OS. In an ideal world, you would probably want to exclusively use your personal preference for every computer that you have to touch or work with. However, in reality this is often not possible, for example if your employer insists on running something else, or you are using a CPU architecture for which your distro isn't the ideal choice (that would be hard for Debian, considering it aims to be the universal operating system). Either way, sometimes you have to use other distro's as well, let's say when experimenting, learning or playing with containers, and you might feel lost without some of these commands. My personal cheatsheet might help you here, and it definitely helps me:

Debian apt-get Debian apt Arch Linux pacman NixOS nix-env Alpine Linux apk
apt-get update apt update pacman -Sy nix-channel --update apk update
apt-get upgrade apt upgrade pacman -Su nix-env -u apk upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade apt full-upgrade pacman -Su nix-env -u apk upgrade
apt-get install package_name apt install package_name pacman -S package_name nix-env -i package_name apk add --no-cache package_name
apt-get remove package_name apt remove package_name pacman -R package_name nix-env -e package_name apk del package_name
apt-get purge package_name apt remove --purge package_name pacman -Rn package_name nix-env -e package_name apk del package_name

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