Date Tags linux

While installing a new server on my work this week, I found 2 most irritating (and non-professional) bugs in the LTS release (latest version) Ubuntu 12.04 (server).

“Signal out of range” when starting grub after server installation

Fix: Boot from the live cd and open a terminal. Assuming your root is on /dev/sda1, then do this:

sudo -s
mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mnt
nano /mnt/etc/default/grub

When the editor comes up, uncomment ( remove the # ) this line and save and exit: #GRUB_TERMINAL=console

for f in sys proc dev ; do mount --bind /$f /mnt/$f ; done
chroot /mnt

After the update-grub, reboot and you should be good.

Alert ! /dev/disk/by-uuid/75800786-8994 does not exist. Drop to a shell

Fix: Boot from the live cd and open a terminal.Assuming your root is on /dev/sda1, then do this:

sudo -s
mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mntnano /etc/default/grub

add rootdelay=xx to this line, save and exit: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="**rootdelay=60**"

for f in sys proc dev ; do mount --bind /$f /mnt/$f ; done
chroot /mnt

After the update-grub, run dpkg --configure -a, then reboot and you should be good.

I had both errors and fixed them both at once by combining them before running update-grub.
I hope this will help you all!


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